Getting a little more JOLLY, a little more GREEN, and a little less GIANT.

16 January 2012

Slow and Steady Loses the Weight

Only 1.1 pounds lost this week, but that's 1.1 pounds in the right direction. I can deal with that.

This last week was a bit of a struggle eating wise. My son turned 7 on Friday and I just couldn't resist that piece of cake...or two...over the weekend. Ugh.

The thing is...even though I'm on a weight loss journey and I truly want to be successful I don't want to become such a Nazi about it that I can't relax and enjoy a little cake at a birthday party. Noshing on cucumber slices while everyone else eats cake sounds pretty ugly to me. There has to be a balance somewhere and I'm hoping to find that balance as I continue on.

In my defense, I didn't drink any pop or go crazy on all the other treats sitting around. And I made sure to get my workouts done as well as recording all my calories on That way I could eat cake and still stay under my daily calorie allowance. So...maybe that balance isn't as elusive as I think it is sometimes.

I'm still struggling with not eating sugar. And thanks to I didn't realize how much salt I was eating everyday. I don't usually sprinkle salt on my food, but just the salt in the foods I eat is too much. Time to start buying all that reduced sodium, reduced fat, and no sugar added kind of stuff at the store. *sigh*

One thing I did really well this week: When I workout on the treadmill I put on my computer. After warming I walk to one song then run to one song. This week towards the end of the running songs I cranked up the treadmill and did sprints for about 10 to 30 seconds. I'm hoping this will push my performance out of my comfort zone.

One thing to improve on: Diet. I need to make better choices. Less sugar. Less salt. More veggies.

What I'm listening to this week: "Love You Like a Love Song" channel on

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